Gifts by Beneficiary Designation

Make environmental preservation a part of your life story

On Tinian, in the Northern Mariana Islands. Earthjustice represented local residents who took the government to court to save their homelands from being turned into a militarized wasteland. (Dan Lin)

One of the easiest ways to create your environmental legacy is to name Earthjustice as a beneficiary of a retirement account, donor-advised fund (DAF), life insurance policy, brokerage account, or other financial account.

These gifts cost you nothing now and you retain control over your assets. You can also change your plan at any time. See information about including Earthjustice in your DAF succession plan.

You Decide:

  • These gifts offer you the flexibility of naming Earthjustice as a primary or secondary beneficiary.
  • When you designate us as a secondary beneficiary, we receive the gift only if your primary beneficiary doesn’t survive you.
  • You decide if you would like us to receive all or some percentage of your account(s).

Potential benefits of gifts by beneficiary designation:

  • Reduce or eliminate taxes on retirement assets
  • Reduce or avoid probate fees
  • No cost to you now
  • Make environmental preservation a part of your life story

How to Make a Gift by Beneficiary Designation

For Retirement Accounts

Contact your retirement plan administrator for a change of beneficiary form.

You may be able to request or download your form from your online account portal.

For Life Insurance
For Bank or Brokerage Accounts

For these gifts, you will need our legal designation::
Legal name: Earthjustice
Address: 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111
Federal Tax ID Number: 94-1730465

Why I Give to Earthjustice

Jerry Neff.

Why I Give to Earthjustice

“There have always been those who want to develop government land for short-term economic gain. They fail to see the true value that forests and lakes, mountains and streams, deserts and bogs, provide for the common good.

“Good lawyers and the courts make the final decisions on the future of wilderness. That’s why I give to Earthjustice.”

Earthjustice supporter