Donating Real Estate to Earthjustice

By donating all or a partial interest in real property to Earthjustice, you can create a powerful environmental legacy while reducing taxes.

Earthjustice's Alaska-based legal team, in Juneau. Since 1978, the Alaska office has successfully fought destructive oil and gas drilling, mining, and logging that threatens the region’s communities, lands, waters, and wildlife. (Becca Bowe / Earthjustice)

The types of properties you can donate to Earthjustice include primary homes, vacation homes, apartment buildings, farms, undeveloped land, or commercial buildings.

You have multiple options:

  • Direct Real Estate Donation: Gifting property directly to Earthjustice can relieve you of the cost and responsibilities of ownership. For property that you’ve held for over a year, you can receive a tax deduction equal to its full market value, bypass capital gains tax, and reduce your future estate tax.
  • Gifting Real Estate in Your Will: By giving real estate to Earthjustice in your will or trust, you may qualify for a charitable estate tax deduction.
  • Retained Life Estate: You can donate your home to Earthjustice while retaining residence in the property for your lifetime or a term of years.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust: Transfer appreciated real estate into a charitable remainder trust, and you can secure income for life or a fixed number of years. You can also benefit from an immediate income tax deduction.

Gifts of real estate may be right for you if you have any of these goals and want to make a truly significant donation to Earthjustice:

  1. You no longer want the responsibilities of being a landlord.
  2. You want to sell your property but replace rental income you’ve received.
  3. You want to benefit from some of the appreciation on your property but worry about significant capital gains taxes.
  4. You want to donate your home but continue to live in it for the rest of your life.

To learn more, download our brochure, Gifts of Real Estate: Smart Ways to Unlock the Potential of Your Property and Support Earthjustice.

We also invite you to reach out to us directly to explore your options further.

Why I Give to Earthjustice

Joanna Katz and friend.

Why I Give to Earthjustice

“I am primarily a realistic painter, and I love plein air painting. … But I find increasingly that the sky is hazy and yellowed with pollution, and a larger percent of foliage is struggling for life.

“I include these changes in my paintings with the hope those viewing the paintings will become more aware and active in fighting to limit greenhouse gases.”

Earthjustice supporter